Navigating Change - A Mini Guide for You
Change is the one thing we can count on. Life keeps moving, throwing us curve balls that we never see coming.
Benjamin Disraeli said it best:
But here's the thing—there’s a big difference between the external changes we face and the internal journey we experience while going through them. And honestly, the two are often so tightly intertwined that it’s hard to know where one ends and the other begins.
The Many Faces of Change
Maybe you’re going through one of these right now:
Fighting an illness
Ending or beginning a relationship
Moving to a new place
Becoming an empty nester
Starting a new career or retiring
Grieving a loss
Taking care of parents or children
Reclaiming self-care
Tending to an injury or starting a fitness journey
Going back to school
Writing that book you've been dreaming of
The list could go on.
No matter what stage you’re in, we’re all walking through some form of change or transition. And if you’re not right now, trust me—it’s coming.
The Impact of Change on You
Here’s what many women, and likely you too, often forget: We underestimate just how much change affects us, both mentally and physically. We brush it off like it’s no big deal. But it is a big deal.
Most of us are so resilient and so strong, that we push through without pausing to think about how we’re feeling. We don’t give ourselves the grace to feel the weight of it all. Instead, we go, go, go—until we literally can’t anymore.
Does that sound familiar?
You deserve so much more than just barely making it through. You deserve to thrive, even in the face of change.
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Resilience Isn’t the Absence of Struggle
Sometimes we think being strong means not feeling the hard stuff, not letting anything shake us. But being resilient doesn’t mean avoiding the struggle. It means navigating through it, feeling all the messy emotions, and still coming out stronger on the other side.
Arthur Christopher Benson had a point when he said:
It’s true, isn’t it? We may not be able to control the circumstances around us, but we can always control how we respond, and how we move through them.
You Get to Choose How You Move Through Change
Here’s the most empowering part: No matter what life throws at you, you get to choose how you move through it. You’re in control of your actions, your mindset, and how you care for yourself.
So, instead of pushing yourself to the limit, take a moment to breathe, feel, and make intentional decisions about your next steps.
What does self-care look like for you right now? Maybe it’s giving yourself more rest, or reaching out for support. Perhaps it’s setting boundaries, saying "no" more often, or allowing yourself to cry when you need to. It could even be choosing joy in the midst of hardship—finding little moments of happiness, even if they seem fleeting.
Whatever it looks like for you, know this: You are incredible, and you have everything inside of you to navigate this change with grace.
Why We Need to Acknowledge Change's Impact
Let’s be real: Life doesn’t slow down just because we’re going through a tough season. But that doesn’t mean you have to burn yourself out. The first step to reclaiming your power in the face of change is acknowledging that it’s okay to feel overwhelmed, tired, or scared.
Too often, we think we’re supposed to have it all together; but no one has it all together all the time. And that’s okay.
Recognizing the impact of change on your mind and body allows you to approach it with more empathy toward yourself. And in doing so, you start to reclaim the power that life’s transitions often try to steal from you.
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