What is the Promise of Your New Year?
Anything is Possible.
And so it begins.
The promise of a new year.
If you know me at all, you know that I will take any and all opportunities to begin again.
moon cycles,
and every sunrise, and sunset.
The truth is that I believe every day offers a chance to make a new choice and move in a new direction; and certainly, the beginning of a new year is the perfect time for both.
The promise of a new year holds all that is possible.
It allows us to suspend constraint, for just a little while, so that we can envision something different, bigger, and bolder than we would ordinarily.
If, and only if, we grant ourselves permission to do so.
This is the time to stand proudly, and confidently, on just how strong, resilient and courageous you really are.
I mean it.
For just a minute, indulge me by reflecting back on all that you have been through this year.
Go ahead, close your eyes and remember all of the times when things didn’t go your way,
all of the heartbreak,
all of the disappointments,
all of the grief,
and all of the choices that in hindsight, you wish you hadn’t made.
I know, many of these will feel cringeworthy, and painful. Yet, you made it through all of them.
And not only are you still standing; but in the process you have grown wiser, stronger and more powerful than you can possibly imagine.
Everything you have experienced this year, and over your life so far, has brought you here,
to this beautiful moment in time.
So, what is the promise of your new year?
Is it the promise of what’s possible in your relationships?
Is there an opportunity to show up differently; to forgive, rebuild or repair. Consider those you love the most…your family, friends, children and partner. What would it mean to find a new level of connection with them or bring in more ease and joy to these relationships?
Is it the promise of what’s possible for you and your own healing?
Is there an opportunity to look more honestly at what holds you back, or gets in the way of feeling the way you want in your life? What would it mean if you could heal your hurt and let go of what no longer serves you? What would it look like to honor what your body and spirit need in service of your own health and wellbeing? What would it mean to make yourself the priority?
Is it the promise of what’s possible professionally and financially?
Is there an opportunity to think boldly, courageously and creatively about how you bring your unique gifts and talents to your work and into the world? What would it mean to open yourself up to abundance in all of its many forms? (Pssst…abundance doesn’t always look like money.) And, what if you are meant to choose a new path, one you haven’t ever considered?
Is it the promise of what’s possible for creating more joy, passion and play?
Is there an opportunity to imagine experiencing more of the things that make you happy? What would it look like to give yourself permission to enjoy more moments of pure pleasure? What would it mean to play on a regular basis? Be honest, when was the last time you were really committed to joy and fun; or you devoted time to indulging in your passions? And what would it mean if you did?
Is it the promise of a brand new unfolding journey?
Is there an opportunity to shake things up; or finally make the change you have been longing to make. What would be possible if you stepped radically outside of your comfort zone and into something new? What would it mean if you let it go? Said yes? Said no? What if you did the thing you desperately want but haven’t even spoken out loud?
What is possible in the promise of a new year?
Anything is possible, if you believe that it is.
But first, you will have to be open to see and receive it.
You will have to trust yourself, and remember that the universe has your back.
You will have to be willing to be uncomfortable,
and uncertain.
Sometimes that is exactly what we need.
The year has just begun, it is an invitation to hold tightly to the power of possibility.
It is never, ever too late to begin again.
And if you want a little help in creating a vision for yourself, please enjoy my 2024 Inspiration + Aspiration Plan and Workbook. It is an opportunity to think in new ways about your year ahead!
Let’s do this together. 🩷
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