An Ode to Divorce
An Ode to women moving through and forward after divorce.
Your journey has just begun.
Trigger warning: this post talks about divorce and the pain that can often come with it. I love you and care deeply about your wellbeing, I understand completely if you want to pass on reading this one. There is nothing more important than your mental health.
50% of all marriages end in divorce.
Yet despite so many going through it, every divorce is its own unique experience.
Some of you are moving through and forward after your divorce with excitement, optimism and a renewed sense of what’s possible. To you I say BRAVO; I am thrilled for what is to come!
For others of you, the pain, loss and sadness are ever present; and perhaps you are wondering if and how you will find your way to a new, empowered and joyful life.
As we enter the holiday season, you are all on my mind. The holidays are often a difficult time for anyone navigating divorce, and I want you to know that you are not alone.
This blog is my love note to you.
I hope that it acknowledges your truth, but also reminds you that things will not always feel this way. You are on a messy and magical journey, and anything is possible.
So, to every woman on the journey of divorce;
contemplating it, in the midst of it, or reimagining what comes next.
I understand.
Divorce is where my unfolding journey began; and where I started down the path towards becoming the woman I am meant to be.
You are not alone.
Perhaps like you, I never imagined it could happen to me.
In fact, it happened so slowly over time that I never saw it coming.
Divorce is a massive transition; one that I was not prepared for.
And yet, it is also a powerful catalyst for reinvention.
Maybe you sensed it coming, or perhaps you're in the midst of it, feeling life as you’ve known it changing in ways that you can’t yet make sense of. It could be that your divorce is finalized, but the emptiness it has left behind leaves you feeling a deep sadness and loss.
Wherever you are on this path, I'm well aware of what you’re going through - the fear, the overwhelm, the stress, the sadness, and the loneliness.. As we enter the holiday season, it can feel even more uncertain and uncomfortable.
Or, you may be feeling a newfound courage, confidence and liberation; a freedom that invites you to an open road ahead; and one that sometimes also comes with a lack of clarity.
You may know in your heart that things will eventually fall into place, but that's not much comfort when you're unsure of how long it'll take or what your new life will look like.
The road ahead.
Wherever you are in the process of moving through and forward after divorce, let me remind you that you are at the beginning of a powerful, life changing journey.
It won’t necessarily be easy,
but if you remain open and curious, it will lead you to becoming the woman you are destined to be.
At moments, it will hurt, and will challenge you in ways you never thought possible.
There will be other moments when you feel just how strong, courageous, resilient and powerful you really are. You are paving a new path forward…you have the beautiful opportunity to reimagine what’s possible in entirely new ways.
Every single day, you'll be asked to grow, to expand, and to learn and unlearn, even when the lesson isn't immediately clear. As with any significant life transition, you can expect to experience moments of liberation and moments of great pain.
You’ve got this.
But here's the truth: you can do this. You can navigate this road with intention, confidence and courage.
Yes, you can.
And you are not alone.
You have never been alone.
The key is to allow yourself to receive the support and love you deserve, my beautiful friend.
As long as we are connected, I'll always be straightforward with you because I care about you deeply.
I've been divorced for almost 20 years now, and I recall each moment of struggle, sorrow, and fear.
I also know that my divorce was where it all began.
It is where I began creating the amazing life I am meant to live, and am living now. I have a life I never dreamed was possible then; and would not have been possible had it not been for my divorce.
As we prepare to celebrate Thanksgiving, let me say how incredibly grateful I am that you are here.
I think you are amazing,
and you are so deeply loved.
I'm here to support you in any way I can, especially during this season.
Find me here, and don't hesitate to reach out and grab my outstretched hand.
I've got your back. 💕🌟
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