What does it mean to experience being alive?
Now is the time to rediscover.
Have you ever paused to consider what it truly means to experience being alive? It's a question that resonates with me deeply, and one that I ask myself over and over again.
To unravel the essence of aliveness, I've discovered that it's deeply connected to how we feel, not just what we do. In a world consumed by perpetual motion, a ceaseless pursuit of tasks, and a denial of resulting exhaustion, many of us find ourselves disconnected from the simple act of feeling. We navigate life primarily in our minds, neglecting the profound importance of what truly feels good and what doesn't.
I hear it from my friends and clients all the time;
“I just need to push through.”
“It’s no big deal, I’ll do it.”
“I can squeeze it in.”
It’s what I call the plague of “just one more thing”.
We are so busy moving through our lives that we are never really present in it.
Almost all of the women I encounter are fatigued, overwhelmed, and distanced from their joy and pleasure. Yet, as a wise mentor often emphasizes, just because we can, doesn't mean we should. We hold the power to design our lives; we are not victims of them, even if it occasionally feels that way.
As the new year beckons, I encourage you not to dwell on what you want to do, but rather, how you want to feel. This shift might feel uncomfortable; our conditioning propels us toward setting goals focused on productivity and achievement, making it disconcerting to focus on our lives as an experiential journey.
However, if it's aliveness you seek, clarity on how you want to feel is paramount.
The following are the three transformative actions that I have taken over the past few years that have allowed me to truly experience being alive. I share these with you as a starting point for your unique journey:
Drop out of your head and into your body. Your body is the source of all truth. It inherently understands your feelings and, if granted permission, will unfailingly guide you toward your deepest desires. Amidst the swirling thoughts in our heads, we often overlook the wisdom our bodies possess.
Find moments to stop and look around. Our lives have become a whirlwind of constant motion and perpetual urgency; it is our new normal. The toll of this perpetual rush is our failure to be present and witness the beauty surrounding us. Two years ago, in my pursuit of aliveness, I relocated to Colorado, recognizing that nature's embrace was essential for the feelings I desired. Daily, I intentionally pause to marvel at the awe and wonder around me, a practice that has unexpectedly transformed me.
Get clear, and honest, about what makes your heart sing. What brings you joy and exhilaration? Perhaps you've lost sight of it or buried it beneath the hustle of life. There are so many reasons that we disconnect from what makes us feel alive, we have all let the busyness of life get in the way. It is important that we forgive ourselves from momentarily losing sight and instead, look to the new year as the perfect time to reconnect to what makes you feel good.
More than anything else, remember that YOU have the power to shape your life around what matters most and what brings you joy.
You may not know how to do it.
You may even know what you really want.
It’s okay.
That’s where the journey begins.
Every step that has brought you to today is a vital part of your unfolding. And on this journey, you are not alone.
I wish you the most magical holiday season and a new year filled with good health, happiness, peace and prosperity.
May you feel alive,
inspired and empowered.
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