Unfreezing in Moments of Transition
We all experience moments in our lives when everything around us feels ungrounded, untethered, and like it's in a state of flux.
These moments can be stark, and jolting;
or they can be subtle…barely noticeable.
They can reflect times of minor shifting,
or times of massive, life altering transition.
Regardless of how they feel and what they represent, they are all moments of unfreezing; and what matters most in these moments is how we respond to them.
We continue to be in a unique moment in time, where the world is in motion and the future feels uncertain; and at the same time, all of us have, or will, find ourselves in our own moments of unfreezing. What I have learned, is that these moments, and the uncertainty that comes with them, are an wondrous opportunity for those who seize it.
The one thing I know for sure, is that we are not going back; we are only moving forward; and these moments present us with an opportunity to reshape, reimagine, and redesign our lives and the world around us.
While the unknowing and uncertainty can feel painfully uncomfortable, and make you believe that there is no way you can move through it, these are the times to choose to face it head-on. Yet, instead of pushing through and ignoring what doesn't feel right, push pause, and take the time to unpack what you are experiencing and explore how you're feeling. Put it all out on the table and really look at it…see what's there.
While I know it feels easier to keep things exactly as they are; I also know that what doesn't feel right won't go away. What you want more of only grows.
Your inner knowing, gut and intuition will continuously and relentlessly remind you of what's not right, and what you really desire.
Even if you attempt to distract yourself with too many glasses of wine, edibles, or excessive working out, what you're avoiding will still be there. It won't let up until you pay attention, no matter how hard you try to pretend it isn't there.
So, what if you just took it all out and looked at it?
What if you had someone to help you sort the truth of how you really feel, and what actually matters most?
What if you gave yourself permission to imagine what's possible, to dream, and to explore ALL of your options? Taking it all out and looking at it doesn’t mean that you have to do anything right now…you don’t have to make any sudden movements. All you have to do is choose to embrace your own unfolding journey.
We often resist change because it's uncomfortable,
and may result in pain or loss. And that is likely true.
But what if we reframed our thinking and saw change as an opportunity for growth?
What if we embraced the uncertainty and used it as a catalyst for creating the life we want?
What if we took advantage of these moments of unfreezing as an opportunity to take that first step in your unfolding journey. What might be possible? What is waiting for you on the other side of the discomfort. Just imagine.
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