Yes You Can, Even When It Seems Impossible
As I sit here, looking out at the snow covered peaks of the Rocky mountains, my heart overflowing with joy…I find myself wondering how I got here.
The truth is, I now know how I got here. The truth is also that I never imagined I could get here.
But I did, and you can too.
From the moment I got divorced almost 20 years ago, I made the commitment to move through life one choice at a time. And I did. Some of them were good choices, some of them, not so much. Often the next or best choice wasn't clear, and more often than that, the choice to move closer to what I really wanted seemed insurmountable.
And yet, each choice did move me forward,
each choice led me to something new,
and in every instance and with every choice, to important learning and growth.
My favorite quote is by a woman named Cynthia Occelli
Isn’t it so insanely beautiful,
and painfully accurate.
My journey to a fully expressed life has felt just like this. It has included the accumulation of debt, shame around my financial situation and an often limited feeling of worth. It has included so much doubt, heartbreaking loss, paralyzing fear, more fatigue than I every could have imagined, many moments of loneliness, and a sometimes debilitating scarcity mindset.
Yet, it has also included tremendous courage, fierce grit and determination, incredible resilience, breathtaking liberation, a deep appreciation for humility, new found confidence, and a commitment to always showing up with curiosity.
My pathway forward over these almost two decades has included all of these, mixed in with pain, joy, so much uncertainty, a willingness to look for an adventure, and a growing love for quiet and stillness. It has been, and continues to be, a magical unfolding journey.
Today I am looking out over the majesty of the mountains in Colorado, re-emerging from a global pandemic, deeply curious and a little uncomfortable; and I’m wondering what will come next.
I never imagined I would be here,
or that my life would have unfolded as it has.
And I want you to know that you can get there too, even if it seems impossible right now.
Yes, you can.
No, it most likely won't happen overnight. It will take time, effort, patience and surrender. You may have to face difficult choices and painful experiences along the way. You may have to confront your own limitations, fears, and doubts. You may have to ask for help and support from others. But you can do it.
The key is to focus on the next best choice, the one that moves you closer to what you really want, even if it's just a little bit. Don't worry about the big picture or the end goal, just take the next step. And then the next one. And then the next one.
Each step you take will teach you something new, even if it's just a lesson in what doesn't work. Each step you take will build your confidence, your resilience, and your sense of self. Each step you take will bring you closer to your own truth, your own purpose, and your own joy.
So don't give up. Don't let fear, doubt, or shame hold you back. Don't let other people's expectations or opinions dictate your choices. Speak your truth, even if your voice shakes. Embrace your vulnerability, even if it scares you. Trust your intuition, even if it seems irrational.
Yes, you can.
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