My Journey of Tears, Transformation, and Unfolding
In 2018 I cried.
I cried all year…seemingly for no apparent reason. It was baffling. On the surface, everything seemed fine, but deep within, something was off. These unexplainable tears were trying to tell me something, and I knew it. But I was lost, and unsure of what they meant.
Not knowing exactly what to do, I decided to take action. My default response to life's challenges has always been to "fix" things as quickly as I can. So, I considered therapy, coaching, online courses - anything that might unravel this emotional puzzle. But nothing seemed like the right solution.
Then, as if the universe heard my plea, I received an invitation to an author event - Elizabeth Lesser in conversation with Chip Conley, the founder of the Modern Elder Academy. Though hesitant, and not really feeling like being social and going to an event, I decided to attend; and within moments of listening to them speak, my soul awakened.
Chip Conley's book, "Wisdom@Work, The Making of a Modern Elder," had just been released (a book I highly recommend!) and spoke directly to my heart. His mention of the Modern Elder Academy's Soul Journey retreat immediately called to me. But as with many moments when feeling unclear and uncertain, I felt paralyzed and stuck…frightened of making a commitment to be away for two weeks, with people I didn’t know, and without a clear understanding of what the return on my investment would be.
It was agony. My responsible, rational mind needed to know what I would gain from this retreat, what "success" would look like. But this intellectual struggle left me in my head, unable to tap into what my soul really needed.
You see, I've always been a striver. I've pushed myself relentlessly, striving for efficiency, and avoiding the discomfort of uncertainty. I had always made decisions that attempted to eliminate the unknown and fear of what might happen. I made safe decisions, and ones that offered me as much certainty as possible.
But I also knew that something was out of balance, and I decided to take the leap of faith to attend the Soul Journey retreat. Amid discomfort and fear, I surrendered (something that I had never done before) and found solace in trusting that I was precisely where I was meant to be.
The journey to Baja and this extraordinary retreat was where my Unfolding journey really began.
The darkness became the catalyst for my transformation, pushing me to support other women through their own journeys of fear and transformation.
In those tears, my soul was speaking. But I couldn’t hear it.
Our souls communicate through various languages - tears, indulgence, obsessions, and busyness. But we often miss these messages. We are moving so fast that we fail to listen.
The Soul Journey retreat opened my eyes.
To design a life I truly love, I needed to find balance between striving and spirituality. I had to embrace discomfort, learn to allow things to unfold, and trust in the process.
At first, the idea of spirituality scared me. I didn't understand it, didn’t know how to get it, and it felt simply too "woo-woo." But my experiences and work with thousands of extraordinary, imperfect women has taught me that there are no answers. I needed to trust my intuition, to trust that I was there for a reason.
And now, I'm here for you. As your guide and coach, I can help you co-create a roadmap to your unfolding. It's not about a particular outcome, it’s about the journey…and reclaiming your agency, intention, and grace in becoming who you're meant to be.
An Unfolding journey invites curiosity, openness, and the courage to explore the possibilities beyond what you know, or are comfortable with. In a sacred and safe space, you will be seen and heard, encouraged to step into discomfort, and take action towards your desires.
I will happily be the translator for the language of your soul.
Trust that you're reading this for a reason. Embrace the journey of tears, transformation, and Unfolding, and discover the infinite power within you to shape your life in ways you can’t even imagine. You don't need to have it all figured out. Your soul knows the way, and I'm here to help you listen.
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